name, age, race, sex; referring physician or clinic.
SOURCE AND RELIABILITY: Name and reliability
of informant (patient, old chart, relative).
of the patients illness, including when it began, character of the symptoms; location where the symptoms began; aggravating
or alleviating factors; pertinent positives and negatives, other related diseases; past illnesses or surgeries, past diagnostic
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY (PMH): Past diseases, surgeries,
hospitalizations; significant medical problems; history of diabetes, hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, asthma, COPD, MI,
Cancer, TB. In children include birth history, prenatal history, immunizations, type of feedings.
ALLERGIES: Penicillin?
FAMILY HISTORY: Medical problems in relatives;
specifically ask about problems similar to patients illness. Asthma, MI, heart failure, hypertension, CA, TB, diabetes, kidney
diseases, hemophilia.
SOCIAL HISTORY: Alcohol, smoking, drug usage. Marital status and children;
employment and home situations; exposure to carcinogens or environmental agents. In children include: Sleep, play habits,
grade in school.
General: Weight gain or
loss, appetite loss, fever, chills, fatigue, night sweats.
Skin: Rashes, bruising, skin discolorations.
Head: Headaches, dizziness, tenderness, lumps or masses; history of seizures, head trauma.
Eyes: Visual changes, visual acuity, visual field deficits, diplopia, inflammation.
Ears: Tinnitus, vertigo, pain, discharge.
Nose: Nose bleeds, discharge, sinus diseases.
Mouth & Throat: Dental diseases, hoarseness, sore throat, pain.
Respiratory: Cough, shortness of breath, sputum (color, amount), chest pain; history of PTB; vaccination
for influenza or pneumococcus. Positive Purified Protein Derivative (PPD Testing).
Cardiovascular: Chest pain, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dysonea; dyspnea on exertion, claudication,
extremity edema.
Gastrointestinal: Odynophagia, dysphagia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, diarrhea, melena, hematochezia,
constipation, bloody stool, change in bowel habits, jaundice.
Genitourinary: Dysuria, frequency, hesitancy, hematuria, polyuria, discharge, impotence, testicular masses,
penile discharge.
Gravida/para, abortions, LMP (frequency, duration), age of menarche, menopause; dysmenorrhea, contraception, vaginal bleeding;
last pelvic exam and pap smear, breast masses, self-examination, mammography.
Endocrine: Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, skin or hair changes, cold or heat intolerance, hormonal
Musculoskeletal: Joint pain or swelling, arthritis, myalgias.
Skin: Easy bruising, bleeding tendencies.
Lymphatics: Lymphadenopathy.
Neuropsychiatric: Weakness, seizures, paresthesias, memory changes, emotional depression disturbances.
Temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure (right and left arm, sitting and standing
height), weight.
Rashes, scars, moles; capillary refill (in seconds).
Lymph Nodes:
Cervical, supraclavicular, auxiliary, inguinal nodes; size, mobility, tenderness, consistency.
Bruising, tenderness. In pediatric patients check fontanelles.
Pupils equal round and react to light and accommodation (PERRLA); extra ocular movement intact
(EOMI); visual fields and acuity. Fundoscopy (fundi, papilledema, arteriovenous nicking, hemorrhages, or exudates), conjunctiva;
scleral icterus, ptosis.
Discharge, acuity, tympanic membranes (dull, shiny, intact, injected, bulging).
Discharge, exudates, polyps. Pediatrics: Nasal flaring.
Mouth & Throat:
Mucus membrane color and moisture level; oral lesions, dentitions, tonsils, erythema.
Jugular venous distention (JVD), thyromegaly, lymphadenopathy; range of motions, masses, bruits, hepatojugular
reflex (HJR).
Equal expansion, tactile fremitus, percussion, auscultation, rhonchi, crackles, rubs, breath sounds,
egophony, whispered pectoriloquy.
Point of maximal impulse (PMI), thrills (palpable tubulance); regular rate & rhythm (RRR), first
& second heart sounds (S1 & S2); gallops, murmurs (grade 1-6), pulses (grade 0-2+).
Retractions, tenderness, lumps, nipple discharge, dimpling, gynecomastia.
Contour (flat, scaphoid, obese, distended); scars, bowel sound, tenderness, organomegaly, masses, liver
span; splenomegaly, guarding, rebound, bruits; percussion note (tympanic), costovertebral angle tenderness (CVAT), inguinal
External lesions, hernias, scrotum, testicles, varicoceles.
Pelvic Exam:
Vaginal mucosa, cervical discharge; uterus size & masses, adnexa, ovaries, suprapubic tenderness.
Joint swelling, range of motions, edema (grade 1-4+); cyanosis, clubbing, edema (CCE);pulses (radial,
ulnar, femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, dorsalis pedis; simultaneous palpation of radial and femoral pulses), Homans sign,; cyanosis, varicosities.
Rectal Exam:
Sphincter tone, masses, hemorrhoids, fissures; guaiac test for occult blood; presence or absence of
stool in rectal vault, prostate (nodules, tenderness, size).
Mental status & affect; cranial nerves 1-12; gait, strength (graded 0-5); touch sensation, pressure,
pain, position & vertigo; deep tendon reflexes (graded 0-4+) (biceps, triceps, patellar, ankle); Romberg’s test
(ability of patient to stand erect with arms outstretched and eyes closed).
Cranial Nerve Exam:
I: Smell II: Visions & Visual fields; III, IV, VI: Pupil responses to light; positional
& pursuit eye movements, ptosis. V: Facial sensation, ability to open jaw against resistance, corneal reflex. VII:
Close eyes tightly, smile, shows teeth. VIII: Watch tick, Weber test; Rinne’s Test. IX, X: Palette moves in
midline when patient says ah, speech. XI: Shoulder shrug & turns head against resistance. XII: Stick out tongue
in midline. Heel to skin test.
Labs: Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride, BUN, creatinine),
CBC (hemoglobin, hematocrit, WBC count, platelets, differential); X-rays, ECG, Urine Analysis (UA), liver function tests (LFTs).
Orientation: What is the
year, day of the week, date, month? = 5 points
What is barrio, town, city, country, hospital, floor? = 5 points
Repeat: 3 objects: apple, book, coat = 3 points
Attention/Calculation: Spell WORLD backwards
= 5 points
Memory: Recall 3 objects = 3 points
Language Name a pencil
& a watch = 2 points Repeat, No ifs, ands or buts = 1 point
Three stage command: Take
this paper in your right hand, fold it in half, and put it on the floor= 3 points
Written Command:
Close your eyes. = 1 point Write a sentence = 1 point
Visual Spatial:
Copy two overlapping pentagons = 1 point
Normal: 25-30 Mild Intellectual Impairment: 20-25 Moderate Intellectual Impairment: 10-20 Severe
Intellectual Impairment: 0-10
Problem List: List each problem separately (heart failure, pneumonia, hypokalemia). Retain number
of each problem throughout hospitalization and address each problem daily in progress note. Give post- operative day number,
antibiotic day number if applicable.
Subjective: Write how the patient feels in the patients own words; and give observations about
the patient.
Objective: Vital signs, physical exam for each system, laboratory data.
Assessment: Evaluate each numbered problem separately, and discuss the progress of each problem.
Plan: For each numbered problem, discuss any additional orders, changes in drug regimen or plans
for discharge or transfer. Discuss conclusions of consultants.